25-minute virtual consults as needed to review labs, and implement nutritional/lifestyle strategies to stay on track.

Follow-up Treatment

our process

Step 3

A 50-minute telehealth consultation to review our findings, discuss your treatment plan and begin preliminary treatment.

Initial Case Review & EXAM

Step 1

A 50-minute in-person consultation to review your case and undergo a comprehensive physical/neurological evaluation.


Step 2

We believe both your mind and your body can contribute to your experience of Anxiety, Depression, and other health-related concerns. Our evaluation and treatment encompass this belief, helping us guide our patients to regain their energy, improve their gut health, enhance their sleep quality, and balance their moods.

We specialize in providing integrative treatment options for Anxiety and Depression. However, our natural whole-body approach and clinical expertise also extend to patients looking to improve their thyroid and gut health as well.

Why Are We Different?

refer a Patient
Become a Patient

To expedite your success, we offer two initial visits to get you started working with us. Preliminary treatment is included in these visits to help you start feeling better soon.  The total cost is $779 for the first two onboarding visits (#1 and #2 below). If necessary, follow-up visits can be scheduled.

Get Started With Us


Whats included?

Comprehensive Health History Analysis: A detailed examination of your health history to identify potential root causes of any issues.

Risk Evaluations: Assessment for risks such as SIBO, candida, leaky gut, hormone imbalances, and more.

Physical & Neurological Examination: crucial information is gathered during an in-person exam that cannot be gleaned from a remote consult.  This comprehensive physical and neurological examination will provide important insight into how your body is functioning and tools we can use to improve its expression of health.

Diagnostic Assessments: Using evidence-based methods we will identify which testing may be necessary to  check for chronic infections, histamine intolerance, MCAS, metabolic compromise, and other biochemical concerns.

Tailored Health Plan: Based on our findings, you'll receive personalized dietary advice, lifestyle adjustments, a customized supplement plan, and recommendations for any additional lab tests needed.


Whats Included?

Review of Findings (ROF): Dr. St Jean will present his findings explaining why you feel the way you do and how you got there. You will have an understanding of your health and what to do about it.

Personalized Health Blueprint: Based on our findings, you will receive customized:
  • Dietary guidelines
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Tailored supplement regimen
  • Recommendations for any necessary lab tests

#3: Follow-Up Visit [virtual]

Cost depend on which type of follow-up.  All follow-ups are scheduled as needed. Whats Included?

Functional Medicine Follow-Up [$389]:
  • Customized Guidance: Get personalized advice to help you follow the health plan created by your doctor.
  • Diet Enhancement: Fine-tune your diet to better align with your specific health requirements.
  • Herbal Supplement(s): Refine your supplement routine to boost effectiveness.
  • Progress Evaluation: Review the outcomes of your current strategies and make any needed adjustments.
  • Q&A: Discuss any questions or concerns you have regarding your health plan or the process.

Health Coaching Follow-Up [$189]:
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Plan and implement lifestyle changes that support your health goals from movement, thoughts, cravings, food/program compliance and much more.
  • Sleep Optimization: Navigate the ins and outs of sleep hygiene, quality, duration and learn how to overcome mental blocks disrupting your sleep.
  • Stress Reduction: Develop unique strategies to fit your day-to-day life with the goal of reducing your "modifiable" stress load and changing your perspectives around "unavoidable" stress. 


New Patient Evaluation: Begin your comprehensive intake process and treatment journey with a custom treatment plan designed by Dr. David St Jean.
VIsit 1 & 2: $779
Functional Medicine: dietary/supplement modification, labs and progress evaluations to continue your program.  
Health Coaching: lifestyle modifications, sleep optimization and stress reduction customization to ensure success.
FOllow-Ups: $189-$389
refer a Patient
Become a Patient
Labs & Supplements
Supplements: we provide the highest quality products in the industry at the lowest cost for our patients. 
Lab Testing: we make every effort to bill lab testing to insurance and ensure the lowest fiscal burden for our patients.

you receive the highest standard of care

To ensure

you as a person, not a diagnosis or number

To evaluate and treat

evidence-based, relevant information

To present

dedicated learners on your behalf

to remain

root cause, mind-body interventions

To provide


At St Jean Wellness, we promise to always uphold the following:

If a conventional doctor has made you feel not heard, you definitely need to see Dr. St Jean. He will listen to you, get to the root of your problems, and treat your symptoms.”

Amanda, Boston
Dr. David St Jean, DC
  • Hypothyroid 
  • Hyperthyroid 
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis 
  • Grave’s Disease

Thyroid Health:

Dr. David St Jean, DC, specializes in providing patients with natural solutions for Anxiety, Depression, and other Mood Disorders/Brain Health. His post-doctoral education was and continues to be focused extensively on Functional Neurology, Functional Medicine, and Clinical Nutrition.

In addition to his mental health specialty, he has extensive experience working with patients suffering from gut and thyroid-related disorders. He is a clinical researcher, an author/writer, and an avid wellness enthusiast whose dedication and practicality have made him an influential contributor to the field of functional and alternative health. Dr. St Jean provides natural wellness solutions for the following patients:

Director of Functional Medicine Functional Medicine Practitioner

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Separation Anxiety Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)  
  • Recurrent Brief Depression (RBD) 
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Mental health:

  • IBS C/D/M 
  • Celiac Disease 
  • Crohn’s Disease 
  • Ulcerative Colitis 
  • Dysbiosis 
  • GERD/Reflux

Gut Health:


Melissa St Jean's clinical education began while obtaining her BFA in dance and BS in psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Melissa went on to complete her master's in dance/movement therapy and counseling at Columbia College Chicago. She is a licensed clinical professional counselor, board-certified dance/movement therapist, certified movement analyst, and certified yoga instructor.  

Melissa's focus is taking a multi-dimensional approach to her client's health with a special consideration of their mind and body connection. Her areas of specialty include mood and anxiety disorders, trauma, life transitions, and stress. She currently owns a private practice where she works with clients through her teletherapy platform. 

Note: Melissa is fully booked and not currently taking any new clients.

Director of Psychotherapy,
Psychotherapsit, Movement Analyst